As we move towards the end of the year, we notice the days becoming shorter. As we mentioned last month, this signals the end of the growing season and the start of the blooming season for many orchids.
Phalaenopsis and single flowering Paphiopedilums will be initiating flower spikes. Make sure that while they are spiking you do not change their alignment to the sun, or the spikes will twist. Also remember that the sun is dropping towards our horizon in the southerly direction. In other words, southern exposures will be subjected to higher light intensities. This could cause sunburn on leaves. Also note that the temperatures are finally starting to cool down. Combined with increasing rainfall, watering will need to be cut back. During these times try to let your orchids dry slightly between waterings. This will help to deter fungal infections. Making these changes in your orchid culture will keep them healthy going into our winter season. Aloha, Scot Comments are closed.
MeetingsThe Windward Orchid Society meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of every month at the King Intermediate School Cafeteria, located at 46-155 Kamehameha Hwy. in Kaneohe.
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